The Pleasure of Massage

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The word massage means 'kneading with the hands'

A millennial technique which crossed continents through time keeping the same wisdom and ancester principles. The well applied massage with special techniques, harmony, love and specific products for each type of skin gives your body real sensations of well being and vital relaxation.

Stress VS Massage

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The day by day

Stress and tension have a cumulating effect in the human organism and can cause more problems than people imagine.
The energy unbalance evolves in a gradual form and that is not good at all.
The first reflex is physical and mental tiredness then slowly comes the pain.
The tension point of the individual determines the location of the pain. The biggest problematic areas are usually the shoulders, the neck and thorax.
In these areas there can even appear nodules as a result of blocked energy. Some people even believe they have a more serious disease.
Massages do not cure diseases but one of their functions is to prevent them.
There are massages for different purposes and any person regardless of their age can undergo a session.
A good therapist is recognizable by touch.
A massage is an exchange of energy between the professional and the patient and that needs to be done with care.
Stress is very common in the routine of who lives in the big cities and it's not only the people that work outside their homes that suffer with this evil, housewifes are also victims of this problem.
The organism reacts to stress by eliminating in excess the corticoid hormones and adrenaline substances that are produced by adrenal glands and released in the bloodstream.
Externally the body will show the evolution of this internal unbalance:
* In hair seborrheic dermatitis, oiliness, fall and in some cases total lost of hair threads.
* On the skin blackheads and pimples, hives, itchiness, spots, mycosis, herpes, vitiligo and psoriasis.

This physical frame is the starting point for the good masseuse to start corporal treatment.
The breathing rhythm, the posture and color of the skin should be verified in a first consult.

Full Relaxation Massage

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My massage

The therapy of the full relaxation massage consists in applying 8 massage techniques in one massage only.
Throughout the years and with the courses I have done, I have created a personalized massage in order that the client stays in a lethargic state.
The sensation obtained is of big physical and mental benefit.
The therapeutic non invasive touch promotes relaxation reduces anxiety and helps to control the pain.

The love I feel for my work together with a lot of practice, training courses and the professional experience are the key to success.

Main benefits:
-Reduction of muscular tension.
-Skin active stimulation.
-Improvement of lymph and blood circulation.
-Improvement of the nervous system.
-Toxin elimination.
-Full relaxation.

**30 minute or 1 hour sessions**

Back and neck massage

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Essa massagem consiste em trabalhar com 5 técnicas de massagens em 1 massagem só onde é trabalhado a zona do nervo ciático, glúteos, zona lombar, coluna dorsal, coluna cervical, pescoço e ombros, proporcionando um relaxando completo para as pessoas que têm muita tensão nessa área e trabalham horas sentado.

Principais benefícios:
-Redução de tensões musculares.
-Estimulação activa da pele.
-Melhoria da circulação linfática e sanguínea.
-Melhoria do sistema nervoso.
-Eliminação de toxinas.
-Relaxamento completo
**Sessões de 30m**

Geothermal or Hot Stone Massage

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The therapy of the hot stones or rubbing the body with warm and cold stones according to the patients needs, is a modern concept if we consider the regularization of the technique (in Europe and United States it exists for 8 years).
But there are references to its usage in Ancient Egipt and the Old Testament.
The maneuvers utilized in the technique are a heritage of the Swedish Massage and Shiatsu added to the theories of Moxa and the Oriental Technique.
By alternating the application on the body, of cold and hot stones you can get a synergy (physiologic and organic reactions)which are very good for the body and the mind.
Volcanic stones are used that act like a vascular gymnastic in the circulatory system creating sedative and energetic answers in the body leading to complete relaxation.
That is why this technique is so used by those who suffer with the effects of stress.
Here are some effects obtained through the energy generated when the stones are rubbed on the body:

Main benefits

-Reduction of inflammation.
-Acts on cellular regeneration.
-Improvement of organic functions.
-Harmonizes body, mind and spirit.
-Balances the nervous system

The relaxation obtained will reach levels never before experienced!

**30 minute or 1 hour sessions**

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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Wolder Method

This kind of massage intervenes on the individuals well being because it is practiced carefully.
The massage is soft and paced respecting the rules of the interstitial mean of the connective tissue interfering in the lymphatic system.
The effects of this massage are DRAINING, STIMULATE THE LYMPH AND THE BLOOD, obtaining an improvement in the return circulation.
The immune system in benefited giving balance to the nervous system with sedating effect.
This massage adjusts itself with such precision to the biological mechanisms that it can enhance and accelerate the proper reactions of the organism without changing them.

Main benefits:
-Pre and Post surgery.
-Scar Tissue.
-Tired Legs.
-Cutaneous Aging.
-Tissue Detox.
-Cell Regeneration.
-Complete Relaxation

**30 minute or 1 hour sessions**


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The massage of sensations

This massage exercises magnificent effects over the body because it associates relaxing , modeling, lymphatic drainage, shiatsu and reflexology massage techniques. It improves muscular pain by promoting the relaxation of body and mind.
It can either be used to calm as to energize and accelerate. Transmits unique sensations.
Being a creative and professional massage it can work the body in its all ans transmit wonderful sensations.

Main benefits:
-Muscular flexibility.
-Dispersion of tension zones.
-Flexibility of cutaneous tissues.
-Structures and redesigns silhouette.
-Dinamizes blood and lymph circulation.
-Relaxes the body and the spirit.

**30 minute or 1 hour sessions**