About me

Helena Venceslau

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Professional Beautician and Masseur by the European Aesthetic School.
Professional Card.
Trainer of trainers.
Associated to ANEP ( National Association of Professional Aestheticism), having multiple courses in her CV:

* Sugaring
* Reflexology
* Bobywork (Total Relaxation)
* Manual Lymphatic Drainage
* Clinique Massotherapy
* Back&Neck
* Geotermal Stone Massage
* Dorn-Breuss Method
* Cranium-Facial
* Aromatherapy
* Bamboo-Massage
* Microblading: Eyebrows Pigmentation Technique
* Threading: Epilation Technique with line
* Hair Discoloration Technique

Aside from courses and works in Brazil here in Portugal I have participated in various congresses:

Massage, Aesthetic and Workshop, done in Lisbon and Porto, Participant of courses administrated by Eduardo Mata, Carolina Ressano Garcia, Carolina Nunes Pontes, Angel Touch, Step , among others.

4 Men Clinic Space

Peaceful and harmonious space, environmental sounds, gentle scents.
Everything you need to feel good.
Peaceful service, comfort and climatized space.

Massage Table XXL 2.20 x 80 cm.

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