Proteção Solar - Saúde da Pele

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Enjoy the best of the Sun while protecting your skin!

The sun is the main responsible for the aging of the skin and for the appearance of cancer.
Specially during the Summer due to the holidays we spend more time out in the open and exposed to the sun increasing the risk of sunburns.
Precisely in this season the Ultraviolet B (UVB), main causer of skin's cancer, presents higher intensity therefore all cares should be taken to avoid the sun's action.

By following the orientations bellow you will be able to enjoy the best of the sun while protecting your skin:

1. Avoid repeated and prolonged exposure in the sun. Accumulated sunburns throughout life will predispose you to skin's cancer.
2. Avoid exposing yourself in the sun during noon time.The timetable between 10am and 4pm has a big incidence of UVB rays. Look for shade during this period.
3. Tanning occurs gradually after the first days of exposure. The skin takes between 48 to 72 hours to produce and release the melanin (Pigment that gives color to the skin) so there is no point in wanting to tan in only one day. To remain a lot of time in the sun won't accelerate this process. You are only going to get burned and sunburns cause irreversible damages to the skin.
4. Always wear hats for the sun, caps or sun visors. About 70% of skin cancers occurs in the face so always protect it!Do not forget to protect the lips and ears. The hat must be thick in order to block the passage of the sun.
5. Apply generously sunscreen 20 to 30 minutes before exposure to sunlight. This is the time it takes for the sunscreen to stabilize on the skin so that it can be more efficient. Apply the sunscreen preferably at home without hurry. Remember to reapply every 2 hours or after going in the water.
6. Wear a SPF 15 ou higher sunscreen. SPF is the abbreviation of Solar Protection Factor and it means that by using and it means that by using a filter SPF 15 your skin will take 15 times more time to get red than it would without protection. People with very light skin or with freckles should use filters with SPF 25 or higher to ensure a better protection.
7. Light skinned people and redheaded people demand higher care because they are more subjected to skin's cancer. Very light skinned people rarely tan therefore if your skin is very light don't insist in wanting to tan, you'll only get burned and damage your skin.
8. Cloudy weather also burns don't fool yourself!Even in cloudy days up to 80% of UV radiation can cross over the clouds and reach the earth therefore wear sunscreen even in these days. Sunscreen should be used daily even if your exposure to the sun isn't at the beach.
9. Children's protection is the parents responsibility!Protect the kids and stimulate teenagers to protect themselves. This is a habit that should be formed since early. About 75% of solar exposure accumulated during life occurs until 20 years of age becoming very important the sun protection during that time.

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Depilation at Home??Be Careful!

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Cares for depilation at home

With the arrival of Summer the search for depilation increases and the dangers of home depilation become more frequent at this time of the year. The correct thing to do is to look for a quality professional service.
The home use of hot wax can cause burns because there isn't proper temperature control for it.
Besides, this depilation made by a non-specialized person can lead to traumas such as the peeling of the top layer of the skin or spots.
These accidents can lead to bleedings, spots in the skin, allergies and infections.
Another risk is the break of the hair by not removing them from the root like it is supposed leaving ingrown hair behind.
Depilation creams can cause burns and serious allergies!!!

Always look for a professional!

Male Intimate Hygiene

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Take care of what is yours

In what comes to this field you can't neglect it not even a little bit! Your health is at stake.
The genital organs are a super sensible part of the body and one subjected to contaminations. Without proper care you can become victim of a series of infections. See what the specialists have to say about this.

The penis possesses a lot of glands that produce secretions that is why the hygiene is so important.
If these secretions become retained under the skin that covers the head of the penis they can cause infection."
"If this area remains too wet, the chances of irritations and inflammations of the gland and the skin are increased.
Therefore it is important to wash the penis at least twice a day with water and soap.
And don't forget to pull back a little bit the skin from the head of the penis under running water to eliminate the excess of secretions.
Beware of anal area because due to the fact that men have more hair then women in the anal area the residues of the feces can bring contamination; Chose to trim the excess or depilate with wax.

Make sure that there's no urine left in the skin folds. If you use toilet paper be careful not to leave papers residues which can cause irritation.
Washing your hands before urinating is another crucial measure: the penis is clean and can become contaminated with some impurity present in the hands.

Washing the penis after having sexual relations is extremely crucial to eliminate the secretions from the vagina or anal area.

Other observations to take under consideration:

- Trim the excess hair in this area in order not to hurt the gland when they get stuck in it avoiding local injuries;
- Chose your sexual partner well in order to avoid sexual transmitted diseases.
- The use of condom...This one does not even require comments!
- Avoid tight pants and underpants which can lead to continuous trauma on the testicles skin.
- Don't keep squeezing little pimples or cysts (lumps) in the skin of the scrotum because they can get infected and cause serious local problems;
- Optimal local hygiene and dry well to avoid any rashes , specially in the Summer.
- Preferably wear cotton underpants to avoid allergies to other tissues.

It is also important the testicles self exam in order to detect any local anomaly.
Small tumors or cysts should get looked at immediately by an urologist in order to prevent testicle cancer. You should give yourself a self exam and get to know every detail of your body.
Every 15 days perform a general exam to your testicles.
Get a good mirror and examine every inch of your perine (genital area), penis, scrotum and in case you find:
a) Warts
b) Pimples
c) Injuries
d) Spots
e) Microorganisms or anything attached to your pubic hairs
f) White, yellow or green secretion in the penis canal

Consult your urologist as soon as possible to eliminate any doubts you might have.
The earlier any treatment is done, the easier the cure will be.
Prevention is the way to health.

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Oral Hygiene

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Oral hygiene is a health gesture which prevents bacterial from getting in the organism.
Oral Hygiene guarantees a fresh smile but above all it contributes for a healthy body.
People don't usually see it that way but it is adequate to consider that the mouth is a good indicator for the health of the body.
Truth is that oral health supplies valuable clues about a persons overall general health state.
Enough to say that many times de first signal of disease manifests in the mouth.
The mouth overflows with bacteria which normmaly are kept under control thanks to oral hygiene.
Saliva also constitutes a barrier because it contains enzymes that destroy bacteria.
Even so, it is possible that these contagious agents proliferate opening way to many mouth and teeth diseases.
From there, they have an open door to get in the blood stream and cause damages to the organism.

Cares With the Arrival of the Cold

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The cold has arrived

And with it some changes can be notested in our skin making it more dry and rough getting even to crack in some places.
On the other hand those who have facial oily skin can present an increase of oiliness this time of the year and even a worsen of seborrheic dermatitis (flaking located around the nose, on the upper eyelashes, behind the ears and on the scalp).
Therefore, checkout some tips to keep a healthy skin while the heat doesn't return:

Dried and/or flaky skin

* Do not take very hot baths, they remove the skins natural oiliness.
* Avoid to soap too much and do not use bath sponge because it removes the skins natural moisture.
* Prefer soft soaps that are moisturizing.
* If you take baths twice a day make sure to soap the whole body in only one of the baths.
* On the second bath soap only the skin fold areas (armpits, inguinal areas, and buttocks).
* Right after the bath with your skin still wet, use a moisturizer on the dried areas. Look for a dermatologist to find out what kind of moisturizer is better suited for your type of skin.
* Drink enough water and eat fruit, vegetables and greens.

Increased oiliness

* Avoid using moisturizers in the areas of the skin that are oily, they are rarely necessary.
* Even if after the bath the skin looks dry in a short time the natural oiliness will come back.
* Avoid washing your face with hot water because it stimulates the production of more oil.
* Avoid greasy foods.
* Drink a lot of water and eat fruits, vegetables and greens.
* Only use sunscreen or cosmetics with 'Oil Free' label written on them.
* If your skin flakes or gets reddish in the central area of the face look for a dermatologist, you can have seborrheic dermatitis.

Lip Cracks

If you live in cold and dried places don't wait for your lips to crack to then take care of them prevent by following the tips bellow:

* In colder days use lip moistener several times a day. Women can abuse of hydrating lipsticks.
* Do not pass your tongue over the lips to wet them, that will only worsen the dryness.
* Drink lots of water.

Sun Protection

The Autumn and Winter sun is a delight but don't be fooled, it is not harmless. In those seasons although there is a smaller incidence of UVB lights responsible by sunburns, UVA radiation which is the main causer of cutaneous precocious aging, is still strong.
Therefore even if you don't get "burned" the sun will damage your skin and you should protect it with sun blockers of FPS 15 or higher whenever you get exposed to the sun.

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Guide for colder days

A carregar imagem... With climate change and the arrival of the cold Com a mudança do clima, com a chegada do frio, precisamos nos preocupar em adoptar alguns cuidados com nossa pele, em especial porque a humidade do ar diminui muito nesta época. A humidade do ar em outras épocas do ano, chega a 80/90 %, já no inverno a humidade declina muito, chegando à 30 % em alguns dias. It is therefore important to follow some tips:

FACE: Upon waking up wash your face with running water and apply a facial moisturizer that has as component Aloe Vera or some other ingredient that is indicated for your type of skin.
HANDS: For hands, use a cream that contains urea or almond oil.
BATH: Baths that take to long and are very hot are not recommended, if you can't reduce the temperature of the water at least speed up the pace in your bath. Do not use exfoliating sponges and also avoid exfoliating soaps, use something that has a matching PH to your type of skin. The objective is to try to keep part of the skins natural oiliness.
Also try to use moisturizers that are indicated for your type of skin.
LIPS: For dried lips or to avoid cracks use a solution of D-Phantenol or Silicon or even Karite butter.
HAIRS: To avoid drying do not excessively wash your hair specially the scalp, use moisturizers with Keratin or Silicon. Do not abuse of hair conditioners. Avoid modeling gel! Since a lot of them have alcohol in its composition they can also dry the hair.
SUN PROTECTION: : Even being Winter do not give up on sunscreen, FPS 15 will be enough.
RENEWAL: Consult a dermatologist about the possibility of using some kind of night acid, this can help accelerate the celular renewal, since it is a season with weaker sun it can be a good opportunity.
ROSACEAS: You know that tasty tea or hot chocolate that we bring very close to the face and stay there feeling the warmth, the steam? If you have rosacea problems or vessels dilatation avoid doing this because this heat and steam can worsen this scenario.

Edited text by: Dr. Francisco Bezerra

The mind and the body

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Although western medicine has wanted to undermine the effects of mind over body the "flush" of the skin in situations of embarrassment has always indicated that there was some connection between what happened in thought and what the skin showed.
Not only that a great number of phenomena easily observable in the organism have always suggested that the mind and the body work together.
Therefore strong emotions can result in nausea, vomit, diarrhea, fainting, hypertensive crisis, brain strokes or heart attacks.
These are clear examples of the connection between mind and body.

Psycho-cutaneous symptoms

It is called phsycho-cutaneous to the phenomena manifested on the skin that is caused by what is going on at a mental level.
There are symptoms and diseases that have close connections to thoughts hence the sensation of cold in the hands in situations perceived as menacing, paleness of the sking in situations of frighten or the increase of sweat in tension moments.
Para além disto, o aparecimento de coceiras sem causa aparente, em fases de maior preocupação, ou mesmo doenças como dermatites, urticárias, alergias, psoríase e pelada, indicam o que pode a mente provocar na pele.
Nowadays there isn't any doubt that certain mental states and their corresponding emotions have a powerful influence over the skin conditions.
Currently, there is knowledge about how it happens, a fact that has been almost totally ignored a few decades ago.

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Skin Diseases

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Tinea Cruris - 'Crotch Itch'

What is it?

The Tinea Cruris is a mycosis that affects the groin area. It is caused by the growing of dermatophyte fungus or Candida Albicans.
The groin anatomy favors the growth of these microorganisms due to this areas characteristics , namely the darkness, warmth and humidity.
During the Summer with the increase of the sweat or the use of wet clothes for long periods of time the local humidity increases even more which makes this kind of mycosis more frequent this time of the year.
The Tinea Cruris gets confused with allergy to the elasctic tissue of underwear or bathing suits.
Actually, the use of synthetic tissues favors the growth of mycosis by making it difficult for the sweat to evaporate.

Clinical Manifestations

The disease manifests itself by forming reddish humid or flaking spots usually followed by a lot of itching.
It affects the groin area but it can spread to the buttocks and abdomen.
When the responsible fungus is the dermatophyte fungus the lesions present well defined edges in general flaking which grow in a centrifuge way.
When the responsible is Candida Albicans, a reddish and humid area forms that will expand by peripheral points to the most affected area.


To avoid tinea cruris give preference to the use of fresh clothes, specially in the hottest months of the year.
Wear cotton underwear avoiding the use synthetic tissue ones and avoid remaining in wet underwear for long.
The mycosis treatment can be done with medication of topic or oral use which will depend of the extension of the disease.
Look for a dermatologist at first symptoms without using any medication because they can mask the look of the disease making it difficult to do the correct diagnosis and indicate the right medicine for each case.


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Pityriasis Versicolor - 'beach mycosis or white rag'

What is it?

Vulgarly known as 'beach mycosis' or 'white rag' the Pityriasis Versicolor is a mycosis but contrary to what one may think it is not contracted at the beach or swimming pool.
The fungus that causes the disease inhabits the skin of all people and, in some of them it can develop causing the spots.
Lots of times, the disease is noticed a few days after the exposure of the skin to the sun because in the areas of skin affected by this myscosis the skin does not get tanned.
With the tanning of the skin around it it becomes perceptible the lighter areas where the disease is and the person thinks it was caught on the beach or swimming pool.
Meanwhile, the sun only showed where the mycosis already was.That is where the belief of it being a 'beach mycosis' comes from.

Clinical Manifestations

The areas of skin that are more oily like the face, scalp, neck, and the higher part of the torso are the ones that get it more frequently.
The disease manifests itself by forming light spots, brown or red spot which start small and can unite forming bigger spots.
The lesions are recovered by a light flacking that, sometimes it is only noticed by stretching the skin. Usually Pityriasis Versicolor is asymptomatic é assintomática but some patients can present itchiness.


Pityriasis Versicolor is a mycosis that responds well to treatment which can be done with oral medication(pills) or local (soaps, shampoos, lotions sprays or creams), depending on the degree of compromise of the skin.
Due to it be caused by a fungus that naturally inhabits the skin it is possible that the mycosis shows up again even after a successful treatment.
In some people Pityriasis Versicolor can occur in a recidivist way by growing back right after treatment.
These cases demand special care towards the prevention of the diseases return which should be guided by the dermatologist.

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Colaboration: Dr. Roberto Barbosa Lima - Dermatologist

>Male Menopause

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How to deal with that ghost

Women these lucky ones, possess various cards up their sleeves: they always want to be themselves, they can use the old tactic of blaming TPM.
When TPM was long gone they have the menopause option.
For many years us men have been at the mercy of feminine luck and humor. No more! Recent researches show that maybe there is a way out after all.
The Andropause, or Male Menopause can be defined as that time of the life in which work is no more pleasurable and pleasure starts to give a lot of work.
The reason for decadence is simple.
Testosterone levels,the main male hormone start to fall until 1% each year from 30 years of age.
The decrease is gradual but permanent.
Around 50 years old about 10% of men present low testosterone levels.
At 70 years old more than half suffers with a clear deficiency of the hormone.
At 80 years old most men have low levels of testosterone and behaviors similar to boys before puberty.
Many doctors are still reluctant to recognize Andropause and its true meaning on the male day by day but Andropause is a real phenomena.
It doesn't have anything to do with the famous middle life crisis.
It is a measurable organic change and absolutely treatable.
The Andropause symptoms are quite similar to the manifestations of menopause in women.
A study performed in the USA involving more than 2000 men between 40 and 60 years old, has shown that 80% of them complaint of intense fatigue, 70% suffered with some level of depression, and more than 60% complaint of irritability and anxiety disorders.
Other manifestations concerning Andropause include inexplicable changes of humor, insomnia, libido decrease, weakness,loss of muscular mass, erection dificulties and a certain tendency for tears on the dramatic part of Disney movies.
Once recognized the symptoms the next step consists in making some medical exams in order to eliminate the presence of diseases with similar manifestations. Andropause, like certain liver and thyroid diseases, anemia, alcoholism, diabetes, essencial depression, etc.
The dosage of free testosterone in the plasma is the main test which test should be done by taking a sample of blood in the morning while fasting.
If the levels are bellow 200 nanograms/dL and you do not have meaningful risk factors, the Testosterone Replacement Therapy (or TRT) can be initiated.
The TRT should only be performed under careful medical supervision and is counter-indicated in men with prostate problems,liver diseases,high fat blood levels or history with strokes.
The TRT is not a tonic capable of solving all your life problems but instead a specific therapy com various important collateral effects.
Para utilizá-la, é necessário realizar exames de acompanhamento a cada 3-6 meses.
In the meanwhile if indicated and performed responsibly the TRT produces almost miraculous results.
Testosterone can be administrated in multiple ways: oral, injectable, transdermal (adhesives) or by implant.
Oral form are not recommended anymore due to the risk of toxic effects over the liver. Injectable forms do not offer stable levels and can end up worsening the Andropause symptoms.
Transdermal forms have been the most used lately.

Besides looking for specialized treatment, there are a few simple measures that you can adopt from now on to deal better with Andropause symptoms:

- Learn effective techniques to better deal with stress.
- Follow a nutritious food diet with low fat and rich in vegetable fibers.
- Take at least 8 glasses of water per day.
- Decrease the consumption of alcoholic beverages and caffeine.
- Keep a healthy sleep pattern.
- Ptractice some kind of physical activity regularly.

Edited text by:: Dr. Alessandro Loiola

Beer... Yes or No?

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It is one of the most consumed beverages on the planet. Dark or light, no matter the color.
The fact is that its sips are beyond beneficial as shown in a study recently performed:

Granada University Scientists and of Spain's Higher Council of Scientific Investigations have cleared beer consumption to athletes.
Spanish Researchers have recruited 16 healthy men,with ages between 20 and 30 years old.
All of them regularly practiced physical activity and none of them showed a sillouette with a beer belly lump.
After sweating their shirt during 60 minutes running on a treadmill at a temperature of 35ºC with a 3 week break between each one of them.
Once concluded one of the tests, the participants drank as much water as they wish.
In another test, they basically rehydrate with 660 ml of beer.
Before, right after and about two hours after the exercise the hispanic team analised a series of parameters like hydration levels which could be influenced by the alcohol in the beverage - Well, it is known that this substance makes the body eliminate fluids.
Can you believe that beer passed the test?
The scientists noted that it was capable of reestablish the water losses as efficiently as water and without any apparent damage.
In other words the beer is a good way to hydrate the organism after physical exercise.
'A can of 356 ml contains 326 ml of water'.
But it is necessary to say, and the spanish scholars made sure of it, that the consumption should be moderated.
'The daily recommendation would be two to three cans for men and one to two for women'”, explains professor of exercise physiology from the University of Barcelone, who participated of the symposium Beer, Sports and Health, on which was introduced the Spanish work.
But not everyone takes this story of liberated beer as being true. Many doctors claim that:
'It does not bring any benefit for athletes or physical activities practitioners'.
'For exercises that last over an hour it is important the water replacement,carbohydrates and electrolytes, substances found in isotonic beverages.
And, for activities of moderate to high intensity with until 60 minutes of duration, the specialist does is not shy in recommending that very well known formula: H2O.
Disputes aside, what is known is that beer is not only water.
'It is highly nutritive, besides being a font of energy and protein, it is rich in vitamin B,mineral salts and antioxidants'.
Speaking of which, the beverage is full of flavonoids, very powerful agent free anti-radicals, damaging molecules accused of seeding multiple diseases.
That substance is behind the good fame that the wine has earned over the last few years specially in what concerns to the prevention of cardiovascular evils.
'In a diet rich in white meat, fruit and greens , the benefits of beer are similar to those of the wine', says Cairo.
The beverage is a source of Folate, the other nickname of Folic Acid, a nutrient capable of preventing colon tumors in the bladder, in the lungs in addition to keep anemia away.
Such a nutritional attribute is justifiable: The hop and the malt, ingredients contained in the beers formula, have generous doses of Folate.
There is only one exception: the alcohol could make it difficult of the vitamin to be absorbed.
How much, we still don't know.
But in order not to spoil the party the best thing to do is make a toast to your health!

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Homemade Exfoliation

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Body and face scrubs

The exfoliation renews the cells, prevents pimples and black spots, besides preventing ingrown hairs before and after depilation.
To start that process the first step is having the skin cleaned of any dirt with glycerine soap or neutral PH soap.
The exfoliation must be passed on the whole body and face with circular movements from top to bottom.
After having done the exfoliation, rinse body with lukewarm to cold water.
Never use hot water or perfume after exfoliation.
* The exfoliation should be done once a week or as well 2 days before depilation.
* After doing the exfoliation of your choice or your daily cares, it is recommended the usage of a moisturizer with SPF.

If the skin id oily it is preferable the the moisturizer is in gel format.
In order to avoid the dryness of the skin wash your face with soap and use a moisturizer and sunscreen everyday.
For men, these cares help when its time to shave.


Sugar based exfoliators


2 (soup) spoons of sugar with 1 (soup) spoon of honey.

* Apply to the skin with circular movements including the face (softly), during bath time.
* Rinse with tepid water for the cold. Never use hot water. Once a week.


2 (soup) spoons of sugar with 2 (soup) spoons of almond oil.

* Apply to the whole body with circular movements during bath time.
* Rinse with tepid water for the cold.
* Never use hot water. Once a week.


Oat exfoliator for sensible skin

2 (soup) spoons of oat with 2 (soup) spoons of honey.

* Apply to the whole body in cicular movements.
* Next, rinse with cold water.
* This exfoliator is more soft being therefore recommended for sensitive skins because oats help nourish the skin.


Fruit baed exfoliators


Pineapple skin and water

* Mix in the blender a portion of the pineapple skin with water to obtain a uniform solution.
* Apply this misture on the body and face with soft circular movements in order not to hurt the skin letting it act for 2 to 3 minutes.
* Rinse body with abundant water.


4 (soup) spoons of skimmed milk, 4 (soup) spoons of sugar and 6 to 8 clen and mashed strawberries.

* Spread with circular movements and delicately throughout the whole body and face.
* Wash with abundant water.

ATTENTION: All homemade products with citric fruits must be very well rinsed and after applying it, it is advised to use a sunscreen with FPS 15 for the next 3 days.

Simple Herpes or Labial Herpes

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What is Herpes?

The herpes is an infection caused by simplex Herpes virus.
The contact with the virus usually occurs during childhood but many times the disease does not manifest itself at that point.
The virus crosses the skin and transversing a nerve instals itself in the organism in a latent way until it gets reactived.
The virus reactivation can occur due to diverse triggering factors, such as: intense sun exposure, physical and mental fatigue, emotional stress emocional, fever or other infections that diminish the organic resistance.
Some people have a bigger chance to present the herpes symptoms.
Others even in contact with the virus never present the disease because their immunity does not allow its development.

Clinical manifestation
The most frequent locations for this disease are the lips and genital area but herpes can appear anywhere in the skin.
Once reactivated the herpes presents itself this way:
* Initially there may be itchiness and burning feeling in the place where the lesures will appear.
* After that, small grouped blisters are formed like a bouquet over the reddish swollen area.
* The blisters burst releasing a liquid rich in virus and forming a wound. It is the biggest danger of transmission of this disease.
* The wound starts to dry forming a crust which will give start to the healing process.
* A duração da doença é de cerca de 5 a 10 dias.


The following cares should be taken during a herpes outbreak:

* The treatment must be started as soon as the first symptoms appear, that way the outbreak should be of lesser intensity and duration;
* Avoid piercing the blisters;
* Avoid kissing or speaking too close to other people, mainly of children if the location is labial;
* Avoid sexual relations if the location is genital;
* Always wash hands very well after manipulating the wounds because the virus can be transmited to other places of the body, specially ocular mucous, mouth and genital.
* The treatment should be guided by your dermatologist. It is he who can determine the more suitable medication for your case and, depending of the intensity they can be of local (in the form of cream) or oral (in the form of pills) use.

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What is your ideal weigth?

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BMI Calculation - Body Mass Index

BMI means Body Mass Index.
It is a indirect formula that connects your weight with your height and its used to verify if you are above the desired weight for your height or even if you have any kind of obesity.
The creator fo this formula was the belgium Adolphe Quelet (1796-1874) and its currently used to calculate obesity indexes.
It can be used for both genders as long as they are adults.

To calculate the body mass index you should divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters square, in other words: kg/m2. Eg: if you have 105 kg and measure 1.80 m you should calculate something like: 105/(1,8) ^2 = 32,4.

Could it be that I am overweight?S
In relation to the previous example you can compare the previous result by the following table, and maybe you will conclude that its time to visit your doctor to review that consumption of calories…

Weight (FOR MEN)..........BMI

Low 18.5.................. Bellow desired weigth
18.5 – 24.9.................Normal
25.0 - 29.9................Above desired weight
30.0 - Higher...............Obese/ Morbid obesity

Edited text by: Cromossoma Y

Tobacco Vs Skin

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Want a better looking skin?Stop smoking!

That cigarettes and drugs in general are important helpers in the acceleration of the aging processes everybody knows right?
Nicotine reduced the cutaneous lubrication and vitamin A levels and also decreases the oxigenation of cells in function of the thickening of blood vessels.
The magazine 'Vida e Saúde' published this month a table which explains quite well the difference between the wrinkles caused by too much sun exposure and aging caused by the cigarette.
The suns radiation hits the most shallow part of the dermis destructuring the collagen and elastin causing wrinkles but these ones thinner.
On the other hand nicotine hits the skin through the blood stream.
Its toxic radicals hit the skin on a deeper layer fragmenting the colagen and elastin fibers in all the dermis causing deeper wrinkles.
Therefore, when you find your dermatologist when you are talking about aging and he says you must quit smoking or stay away from smokers, pay attention, he's giving you an important advice!
Even though I have never smoked, I know it must be very hard to quit smoking, but you will have so many benefits that I think it will be worth a try!

Edited text by: Dr. Fernando Bezerra

Piece of Resistance

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At some point she will see what you wear underneath so...polish yourself!

Up until a while ago they weren't very appreciated and the makers were conservative.
It was enough to be basic and confortable.
Hoje o público mudou o conceito sobre underwear.
'Now, men pays attention to fitting, model, faabric, function and beauty'.
'The colorful ones and with different details have become the most wanted. Was a behavioral change'
If before underwear were linked to intimate moments, nowadays they are out of pants and express status and sex appeal.
Plus: These pieces need to be adequate to the new models of pants.
'Today they have lower waist and the underwear ends up showing'.
Thats how the finishing gain important' explains Débora
See some innovations that have come up.

Technological Tissues

The microfiber of quick drying is ideal for sports practic.
Besides being fine and having a soft touch it doesn't hold sweat and facilitates movement.
There is also an imported whose fibers compress the muscles and keep them warm proper for athletes.
There are even tissues that possess protection against UV solar rays (all thats left is to know who will play football in their underwear).
As tradicionais de algodão também ganham versões com elastano e modal (que dão flexibilidade ao tecido) e se tornam mais confortáveis e resistentes.


Made of tissue with multi directional elasticity that shapes to the body shapes.
They are ultra comfortable but there are who hasn't adapted to them because they think they are soft and do not supply support.

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Provides freedom.
The cotton one is ideal to stay at home or sleep.
the silk one has elegance.

WEAR WITH: Suit Pants.
Never with shorts , unless you don't mind showing off your most intimate secrets.

ADVANTAGES: Total comfort.

DISADVANTAGES: By being loose, it does not offer support.

Boxer brief
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Sticks well to the body and provides safety and comfort to those who wear it.

WEAR WITH: Pants that don't have a very tight model otherwise the seams will mark the clothes.

ADVANTAGES: Have good support and can disguise the volume under the clothes and hair excess in the area.

DISADVANTAGES: Some men complaint that the boxers heats up.

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Have larger sides than the slip and smaller than the boxer brief.
It is the model of the moment.
It is usually made with technological tissues.

WEAR WITH: Any kind of clothes and when making sports.

ADVANTADGES: It is modern has good support and shapes the body well.

DISADVANTANGES: Who is not used can think it is tight.

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It is the most traditional one.
There are bold models, more low-cut and in live colors.

WEAR WITH: All kinds of clothes.

ADVANTAGES: Can give volume under the clothes and has a great variety of models.

DISADVANTAGES: Has the tendency to show the fold fat.

Edited text by: Men's Health Magazine

Perfume and Its Personality

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Learn to choose the best perfume for you!

In 1991, American scientists Linda Buck and Richard Axel won the Medicine Noble Prize by starting a study that would unravel all the process triggered by the scent on the brain.
For that work we have heard for instance that a certain smell hits the limbic system area responsible for memory and emotions, in less than 15 seconds.
Now, the real mistery is to know the exact scent of a perfume.
After all, the one in the bottle might be different than what you smell in the skin.
Bellow are some tips so you wont fail with your choice.

On a paper strip, one of those that the perfume stores have abundantly spread around the stores. Let dry for 1 minute and feel the scent. If you liked it its time to test on the skin.

With the perfume already on the skin, wait between 3 to 5 minutes to feel the scent. That is the time for the exit notes get condensed and the ones after, the ones of body, show up permanently.

The perfumes scent changed, in other words the backgrounds notes prevail. It is them who will follow youthroughout the day or night.

Restart the search. But know that your nose can only differentiate 3 different acents over the period of 5 minutes. After that you need to wait about 15 minutes for it to restore itself.

Edited text by: Men's Health Magazine

Run From Excess Sweat

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To sweat is important, no embarrassments, right?

The blame ( with the exceptions when you are nervous or anxious) is of the excess of glands in activity.
The humidity alone is already uncomfortable and in contact with air,even worse!
The result: Bad smell.
Fight the problem with the help of these tips:

* Keep the skin clean.
* Use bactericidal soap. It prevents your skin, even if sweaty, from stinking.
* Hygiene more the skin where there is more hair.
* Back, chest, thighs and armpits are ideal for organisms that cause bad smell.
* Dry yourself well before getting dressed.
* Any traces of humidity can kick start the sweating process.
* Avoid hot baths, they over stimulate the sweat glands production.
* Wear deodorizing that is antiseptic and antiperspirant . It neutralizes odor and suppresses sweat.
* When you can, avoid very spicy foods, this makes the sweat even more pronounced and 'sour'.
* Be careful with armpits, groins and genitals. With apocrine sweat glands, they generate a thicker secretion and with a characteristic odor.

Edited text by: Men's Health Magazine

How To Know If Shes Into You

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Body language

To decipher the signs that women send out without misunderstandings is one of the main male objectives.
No one likes to be rejected even if sometimes that is not what actually happens.
Verbal language is something controllable, physical language is much harder to control than verbal.
Our body is programmed to issue signs when someone is interested in another.
These signs are genuine because they are involuntary.
When a women smiles or looks tenderly at you or touches your arm constantly, those are signs of obvious interest.

Examples of body language to which one should pay attention:

* She plays and touches her hair.
* She mimics your body movements, like when you lean towards her she leans towards you instead of moving away.
* She points in your direction with her shoulders, legs or feet.
* She plays with some jewelry as long as its not a weeding ring.
* She leans towards you when you speak.
* She looks a lot at you in the eyes.
* She puts her fingers on her lips or bites them constantly.
* She laughs of your jokes and your joke attempts.

The more signs the women sends out, the greatest her interest in you is.
Only one of the previous mentioned signs may not be enough for you to take the bog step, inviting her to go out together.
Some women are just nice to you or like to talk to you or consider you a good friend and simply like to hang out as friends.
Try not to get the situations mixed up.
Try to see the signs and place them in the right moment and context.

Edited text by: Cromossoma Y

A Matter of Taste...Male Taste!

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We have asked the boys what kind of panties they like the most for their ladies to wear... and then take off.

Lets see what they said:

-"Cotton panties, white, is awesome" says publisher Hélio.

-"Those white ones, small.Aquelas branquinhas de algodão, pequenas. Laid back women style, the kind that wants to stay at home confortable in underwear and shirt." says architect Gabriel, 26.

-"White, small, preferably laced" says the lawyer Antonio, 28.

-"Laced, G-String, no matter the color as long as it matches the clothes shes wearing", says auditor Flávio, 30.

-"G-String. I bought one of each color for my girlfriend.", says researcher Leandro, 36.

-"Specially the ones with transparency in the front", says journalist Márcio, 31.

-"G-String is lame, but I like very small panties that only cover the inevitable in front. Black is what there is. Laced, like my first girlfriend used to wear", says professor Alessandro, 35.

-"I do not enjoy those childish ones with teddy bears or fishes. And I hate big diapers. Aside from that I love it all", says the journalist Henrique, 33.

-"The smaller, the better. As long as its not beige.", says engineer Gilberto, 27.

-"I like sexy and elegant panties which teases but it doesn't look cheap.", says webdesigner Renato, 24

-"You know one that is very naughty?Those that have a whole in the middle. You don't even have to take it away.", says writer César, 30.

-"I don't care for panties but I know women do so I want my girlfriend to buy new panties whatever model she feels good and sexy with.I am the one who wins in the end.", says administrator Wilton, 29.

-"I prefer that she doesn't wear anything. I love it when my girlfriend walks around without panties and I only notice in the middle of the night. I get so horny", says plastic artist Pedro Paulo, 27.

Girls...learn....They also have taste.

What Is the Prostate?

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Know more about...

The prostate belongs to the male reproductive system.
It is a male gland of the size of a walnut which is located between the bladder and the penis in front of the rectum.
The prostate is trespassed by the channels that take urine and semen out of the body: the ejaculator channels transport the semen and the spermatozoa and the urethra transports the urine.
The spermatozoa are produced in the testicles and semen is produced in the seminal vesicles.
The microscopic nerves that control erection are linked to both sides of the prostate and prolong through the penis.
Prostate is not a vital organ, however it is surrounded by microscopic nerves and blood vessels that can be damaged due to a disease or treatment to this gland.

Reproductive part
The prostate function is to produce and keep one of the seminal fluids that compose the semen.
This fluid is a milky substance that takes care of sperm.
The sperm passes by the prostate through the sperm ducts.
The semen - the mix between the seminal fluid and sperm - is ejaculated during orgasm.

The stimulation of prostate in men has been compared to the stimulation of the G Spot in women. It can result in much intense orgasms.

Edited text by: Cromossoma Y

What Are the Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

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Pay attention to the symptoms

Lots of times in early stages of prostate cancer there are no symptoms.
But in some cases, a man with prostate cancer can fell some of these symptoms:

* A necessity of urinating frequently.
* Difficulty to start urinating or retain the urine.
* Weak or continuous urine flow.
* Pain or burning when urinating
* Difficulty to get an erection.
* Painful ejaculation.
* Blood in urine or semen.
* Frequent pain or stiffness behind the back, hips or superior part of the thighs.
* You should speak to your doctor immediately if you feel any of these symptoms, or if you find yourself in your 50's or higher and have never done an exam to the prostate.
* If you have family history of protate cancer or if you are of black race, you should do the exam around 45 years old.

***For more information about prostate cancer, consult the website of Health Ministery.

Edited text by: Cromossoma Y

Prostate - When To Do The Exam?

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The tabu of men regarding this exam

Prostate is a part of the male reproductive system.
It is located in front of the rectum and under the bladder.
The size of a healthy prostate is similar to that of a hazelnut and has the shape of a donut.
The urethra (tube through which the urine flows) passes through the prostate.
If the prostate enlarges its size too much it will compress the urethra and can cause urinary problems because it diminishes or stops the flow of the urine from the bladder to the penis.
The prostate is a gland that produces part of seminal fluid.
During the ejaculation the seminal fluid, helps to transport the spermatozoa(part of the semen or sperm), until its release on the outside.
The male hormones (androgeny) make the prostate grow.
The testicles are the main source of male hormones, including testosterone.
The dcotor can give you aditional information about these screenings:

* Rectal touch(digital rectal exam): After putting on gloves, the doctor inserts a lubricated finger inside the rectum, feels the prostate through the retal wallto verify if he detects hard or granulated zones.
* Clinical analysis for the Análise clínica para o specific antigen prostate(PSA): Through a lab analysis, the PSA level is verified in a blood sample of the man. A high level of PSA is generally caused by HBP or prostatitis(prostate inflamation).

The rectal touch and the PSA test can be used to detect problems in the prostate, but don't show if it is a cancer or other problem less serious. The doctor will use the results of these tests, to help decide if he should continue looking for signs of cancer or not.

Risk factors for prostate cancer

* Age
The age is the most important risk factor for prostate cancer. This disease is rare in men with less than 45 years old, although the probability will rise exponentially as the age goes forward. Most men with prostate cancer are more than 65 years old.

* Family history
The risk of a man having prostate cancer its higher than average if your father or brother have had that disease.

* Race
Prostate cancer is more common in men of black race than white race (caucasian), including Hispanic white men. Its less common between Asian men and American indians.

* Prostate changes
To present anomalous cells called intra-epitelial neoplasia of the prostate (INP)of high level can enhance the risk of prostate cancer. These prostate cells present an anomalous aspect when observed on the microscope.

* Diet
Some studies suggest that men that do a diet rich in animal fat, or in meat can have higher risk of having prostate cancer. The same way men that do a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, can present a lower risk.

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How To Find the G Spot

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Female Orgasm

A woman can have multiple kinds of orgasms: clitorial, vaginal and through stimulation of the G Spot.
The G Spot does in fact exist is not just mith : its an area at the start of the vagina that if stimulated can take some women to the pleasure of orgasm.
Indeed, the zone at the beginning of the vagina is the most responsible by most vaginal orgasms.
However, since there is so much to absorb about female anatomy including the G Spot, it can go unnoticed but if you enjoy giving pleasure to your woman then learn a little bit about the way to do it.
The G Spot is not a black hole, is just a mass of nervous tissue located halfway between the back part of the pubic bone and the top of the cervix.
To make it more complicated the size and location varies from woman to woman but it will be usually of the size of a tinny hazelnut its placed about 3 to 7 centimeters inside the vagina right under the pubic bone.

In order to find the G Spot it is necessary:

* Your partner must be laying in her back, flected knees with the feet laid on the bed.
* Insert your two fingers - lubricated- in the vagina about 2or 3 centimeters inside the vagina towards the navel.
* Pressure delicately with one or two fingers against the superior vagina wall (underneath the pubic zone) you will feela zone more wrinkly different from the rest of the vagina walls.
* When you stimulate the right place it will swell a little bit almost the same way that the penis does.
* Ask your partner for guidance and slip your fingers from one side to the other over this area.
* If you want a more intense orgasm stimulate the clitoris at the same time.

Phimosis Vs Circuncision

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Contrary to what many say and think it is strictly the unability of exposing completely the gland (head of the penis).
Exposing the gland means to be able to "discover" the head of the penis, spontaneously or manually with an erect or flacid penis.
The non exposure of the gland happens by its adherence of it to the foreskin(skin that covers the head of the penis) or by the narrowing of the prepucial hole.
In pratice, in common language, phymosis is when you can't "open" the penis, in other words pull the skin behind and discover the "head".

Causes The origin is congenital or acquired and it reaches as much children as adults.
It is important to remember that 90% of boys are born with the foreskin glued to the gland with the purpose of protecting itself and the urethral (opening of the urethra where the urine, ejaculation and parietal liquids pass).
At six years old most boys should already have his gland naturally unattached from the foreskin.

Consequences The non-treatment of phymosis can lead to local complications of the kind PARAFIMOSE, which is the strangulation of the gland by the foreskin of narrow hole.
Untreated phymosis also difficults the oral hygiene favors the appearing of infections and it is highly connected with the development of penis cancer.
The presence of phymosis does not change the development of the penis.
It is not forcefully that it ruptures on the first intercorse like many people think; The normal is that it never ruptures.
The excess precpucial skin should only be surgically removed if frequent trauma and infections develop during or right after coito.
The same can be applied to the freio of the penis. The treatment of phymosis is always surgical.
In adults the surgery (postectomy or circuncision) is done under local anesthesia (injection in the base of the penis) and lasts for about 30 minutes.
After surgery the rest must be from one to three days and sexual relations after 30 days.
The stitches rupture espontaneously in about 15 days.
If you think that your foreskin or frenum of the penis has any change or disturbs you sexually in any way the right thing to do is to be examined by an urologist doctor.

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Crooked Penis

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Is a crooked penis a sign of any problem?

No, if that curvature is of until 30 degrees to the left or right side.
The problem is when the curvature is more marked and occurs in the middle of the member by means of a birth defect.
Or when, in adult stage the disease of Peyronie appears, an inflammation of the thick sheath of tissue surrounding the corpora cavernosa.

Penis - Does Size Really Matter?

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The bigger the penis...the better?

Not true!
The belief that your penis is smaller than the others, shakes the male confidence and diminishes its self-esteem.
In the most part of cases the dissatisfaction does not come from a complaint of their partner but from mens own desire to possess a bigger penis whether it is by lack of knowledge of the normal sizes or by misleading comparisons to other penises seen in magazines and erotic movies or through "advantages" told by friends.
Certain parents induce their children into a certain psychological trauma by comparing their penises to the ones of other boys their age.
Usually, the penis reaches its definitive size at 16 years old and 80% of erect penises are sized between 11 and 17 cm, 14 cm being the common average.
The circunference of the erect penis is sized in average between 6 and 15 cm.
Racial diferences are not very well defined but there is an apparent variation for a bigger or smaller average.
In their flacid state the average size of the adult penis varies between 6 to 9 cm.
This evaluation is subjective since factors like anxiety, cold, obesity, muscular tonus and other factors can retract and wrinkle the penis and decrease its size.
The size of the penis is a male concern and not feminine due to the false myth that the bigger is the penis the more pleasure will be provided to the sexual partner.
That is not true because there is a limit to the size that can penetrate the vagina which may cause pain in its penetration which is very repudiated by women.
Generally , pain and pleasure does not fit well between couples.
The penis thickness can interfere with the womens pleasure because the greatest sensitivity in the vagina occurs in the first centimeters starting from its opening in the vulva and the contact of a thicker penis can increase the sensitiveness.
The sexual position and the opening or closure of the legs can favor more the contact between the penis and the vagina in the case of women that find themselves large or men that have thinner penises.
The myth that by observing the size of the nose, hand or feet of a men one can calculate the size of its penis doesn't have anything to do with it.
These ideas are false myths and are a part of the fantasies of men and women.
In the development of the human embrion, each organ or part of the body have a different origin with no match to another.

Most men who are unsatisfied with the sizes of their penises fit the following conditions:

a) Regular size penis, adequate for its function;

b) Regular size penis, partially hid by the increase of fatcommon in obese people

c) Regular size penis in a tall man with a proportionally small penis;

d) Regular size penis partially covered by the scrotum pouch;

e) Regular size penis on which an excessive portion of foreskin was removed during circumcision.

Therefore, most cases can be solved with simple guidance or surgery.
The psychological counseling has a relevant part in improving the self-esteem and make the individual accept himself as he is.
The penis elongation surgery with cosmetic obejctives in regular penises is considered an experimental procedure, reserved for selected cases and only allowed in medical research centers specialized in these cases.
Up until now were not presented scientifically accepted methods that prove the penis increase.
No procedure has been efective. Most revolutionary techniques can bring complications like impotence and the appearance of infections.
It is important to clarify that penis augmentation surgery is still considered an experimental procedure involving human beings.

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Beard - Mens Torture

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Cares for a well groomed beard

"A clean and well cared face is a visiting card"

The absence of oiliness and skin residuals makes it easier for the razor blade to slide.

* If the beard is full place a hot towel over the face for 30 seconds.
* The softer is the hair the better the blade slides through the face.
* Use shaving cream or gel and massage the area of the beard in circles from one side to the other and also up and down. That will help to cut the hair closer to the skin.
* Start shaving on the faces laterals where the skin is less sensitive, sliding the machine in the hair growth diretion.
* Leave the chin area where the hairs take longer to soften to the end.
* Avoid passing the machine in the oposite direction of the hair growth.
* Shave downwards in the hair that grow downwards and upwards in the hairs that grow upwards.
* Going against the hair growth direction will result in a shaving a little more close, but will also irritate the skin a lot and favors the appearance ingrown hairs.
* Replace the blade after 3 or 4 shavings.
* Worn out blades scratch and burn the skin, specially the most sensitive ones.
* In the case of an acne skin, be careful not to cut the damaged spots spreading the bacteria present in the acne.
* Apply the how towel again to remove what was left of the shaving cream.
* Rinse the face with cold water to close the pores.
* Finally, apply a post-shaving lotion with low alcohol so that it doesn't irritate or dry the skin. In case you have acne you can replace the lotion for an antibiotic in the form of gel.

Electric shavers - leave the skin less irritated.
The electric shavers are ideal to who is in a hurry to leave the face clean and doesn't eant to irritate the skin with the blades.
They decrease the agression because they do not leave cut and damages that present folliculitis.
The result is not as close as with the blade to those who have very thick hair but work out well for common beards.
The best way to use the electric shavers is after the bath when the hairs are soften and easier to be removed.
It also worth using the compress with a hot towel which dilates the pore and makes the job easier.

Definitive shaving - The laser is being look for by men who suffer with hair excess in the face and neck.
Those who have a very full beard end up recurring to that treatment in order to decrease the quantity and thickness of hairs.
According to dermatologists two or three sessions can also define the beards limits.
If the idea is to definitely end with the hairs a few more sessions are necessary: four or five with a break of one month.

Shaving Machine

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How to get a perfect shaving with the shaving machine

One of the big advantages of using the shaving machine is the fact it doesn't make cuts on the skin.
The electric shaving machine avoids cuts by the expense of the biggest distance between the object that cuts and the skin making the shaving much more save.

In order to get a successful shaving with a shaving machine here are some tips :

* Chose the best blade foe your type of beard and skin. There are two kinds of heads in the shaving machines: linear e rotating. The rotating one works better on beards less thick while the linear works better in stronger beards. although the linear is older it is more adequate to some kinds of beards because it is more similar to the gillettes cut.
* Determine your kind of beard, if it is thinner or thicker.
* After that determine your type of skin: dried, oily or mixed.If you have dry skin the ideal is a closer cut. Before shaving you should always hydrate the skin because the cut of the beard becomes painful in case you don't.
* Prepare your face, clean it daily with gel adequate for your type of skin.
* Right after that use a good gelor special lotion for the pre-shaving. Let the gel act on the skin. Do not pass the shaving machine wait for about 3 to 5 minutes.
* Iniciate the shaving by doing it against the beards growth; This helps pulling the hair so that the shaving machine cuts the hair closer to the skin originating a better result. If you suffer with ingrown hair never shave with the hair too long. If the hair is too big trim it a little bit before start to shave so that the shaving machine doesn't rip the hair given origin to ingrown hairs.
* Shave calmly while you shave with a shaving machine. The shaving is faster and cleaner than when you shave with razor blade specially in the zone of the chin and neck.
* If you have sensitive skin - specially the chin and its lower part, start the shaving exactly by these areas and only after you should move to less sensitive areas like close to the nose ears and mouth. Some shaving machines warm up a bit so its necessary to start shaving in more sensitive areas so that the heat does not irritate these areas. * After finishing the shaving apply a balm or an aftershave. Do not use cologne or fragrant elements because the burning sensation is a certainty. The aftershaves are exactly for that , to use after the shaving. They can be either in balm form or cream. They help closing the pores and give a sensation of freshness calming the skin. Use it always.
* Shave daily, the shaving machines allow a much less painful shaving besides allowing for more defined sideburns.
* If you frequently suffer from irritations due to the shaving machine consider purchasing one that has a gel deposit because it minimizes a lot the skin irritation.
* In case the machine isn't self cleanable, use the brush that comes with the shaving machine and clean all content of the shaving machines. Clean each one individually as well as the protecting covers of each one. This way you will get a good shaving as well as a longer durability of the shaving machine. You should do a deep cleanse of your shaving machine. Clean the blades and heads with water and a brush.
* If you have changed the brand of your shaving machine or went from gilette to shaving machine you must wait at least 2 to 3 weeks for a perfect shaving with your new shaving machine. Shaving with the gilette removes a surface of the skin forcing the skin to regenerate tissue right after shaving while the machine doesn't because it shaves without cutting the skin. So 2 to 3 weeks is the necessary time for the skin to adjust to the new shaving.
* Always read the manual that comes with the shaving machine. This manual besides having the necessary instructions to a good use of the shaving machine, it has tips for its efficient for a better shaving.

Edited text by: Cromossoma Y


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In Autumn/ Winter the chilblains proliferate

Interdigital mycosis that is commonly named chilblains hits the skin between the fingers causing itching and inflammation. The mycosis are caused by fungi approximately 100 different types of fungi can cause some kind of mycosis.
These fungi feed on queratin the substance found on the skins surface.
In reality in most cases the fungi that cause the chilblain are already at their feet waiting for the ideal humidity and temperature to proliferate.
Besides this, by attending the locker rooms and pools you can also have contact with these fungi if you don't have the care of always using slippers and keep the feet well dried.
The best way to avoid the appearance of chilblains is to keep the feet well ventilated and away from the humidity and a tip is not use the same footwear for two days straight.
Since there are multiple kinds mycosis the ideal is that you look for a dermatologist because they can be rapidly controlled avoiding discomfort.

Edited text by: Dr. Francisco Bezerra


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How to proceed

* Place and keep the burnt area under cold or iced water until it aliviates the pain.
* Do not place any product on the burn (toothpaste, butter...), they don't help and they disturb the cleanliness of the lesions. Not even creams for burns sold in pharmacies, should be put on without a doctors guidance.
* In case any blisters form do not burst them. If it becomes necessary it should be done by a doctor. Always look for medical attention so that the doctor can evaluate the kind of treatment needed for the lesions in order to get a better healing process.
* Attention: Burns in very extensive areas even if superficial can represent risk of life. Immediately look for medical care.
* After healed, avoid exposing the burnt area to the sun because it enhances the risk of darkening. Even by protecting it the skins darkening may occur which can be treated by the dermatologist.

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Skin - The Biggest Body Organ

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Always check your skin

The skin isn't only a protective layer. It is a system that regulates body temperature , receives pain and pleasure stimuli, does not allow certain substances to enter the organism and represent a protecting barrier towards the damaging sun effects.
The color, the texture and the skin folds contribute to the identification of the individuals. Any change in the look of the skin, can have major consequences for the physical and mental health.


Scar: An area where the normal skin has been replaced by fibrous tissue (which form the scars). The scars form as consequence of the destruction of a part of the dermis.
Crust (bedsore): Blood, pus or dried serum on the skin surface. A crust can form where a cutaneous lesion has been verified.
Erosion: Partial or total loss of the skins surface. The erosions occur when the skin is damaged by an infection , pressure , irritation or fever.
Scales: Are of epidermic dead and stacked which produced a crust scaled and dry. The scales are common in psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis and many other diseases.
Excoriation: A crusted area, linear or dug caused by scratching, rubbing or pinching the skin.
Baba (popular term): Swelling of a skin area which provokes a soft and spongy which appears in a very sudden form and will soon disappear.
The 'babas' are due to regular allergic reactions to medication, insect bites or something that has touched the skin.
Lichenification: Skin thickness which presents accentuated grooves and wrinkles.
Macula: A plain mark with abnormal coloration of variable shape with an diameter inferior to 1,5 cm. The freckles, the flat nerves, the spots colored like Port wine and many other eruptions are maculas. A spot is like a macula but more extense.
, Nodule: A solid formation of 0,5 cm to 1 cm of diameter which can be prominent. Sometimes a nodule forms under the surface of the skin that stands out towards the exterior.
Papule: A solid elevation with under 1,5 cm of diameter. The warts, insect bites, the cutaneous saliences and some skin cancers can constitute papules. A plaque is a papule of bigger size.
Atrophic Skin: Paper thin and wrinkled skin.
Pustule: A blister that contains pus (white globules accumulation).
Telangiectasia: Blood vessels dilation under the skin which present a tortuous aspect.
Ulcer: Like and erosion but more deep and that penetrates less in the dermis. The causes are the same as those of the erosion.
Blister: A small point full of liquid with a diameter inferior to 0,5 cm. Insect bites, zoster herpes, chickenpox, burns and irritations create blisters.

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Varicose Veins

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Men also have them

The appearance of a varicose vein occurs when there is the irreversible increase of the size of a vein.
The dilations that appear in very small vessels are popularly named as "strokes".
They can appear in both genders in spite of men having a little bit more luck than women they also suffer with this problem contrary to what many people may think!
The main cause for the appearing of varicose veins or "strokes" is the genetic predisposition which can be worsen by life habits like staying up or seating down for many hours and very intense efforts.
Usually a varicose vein does not disappear by itself and generally has the tendency to worsen through time. The evolution can inclusive overcome the aesthetic side of the problem and come to cause symptoms like discomfort weight and edema sensation, even phlebites and stroke in more extreme cases.
Men have the tendency to let more time pass by before they consult a specialist which many times leads the problem to aggravate more than in women.

The best solution, prevention!


* Look for a specialist as soon as you feel some discomfort on your legs and notice vase dilation.
The main treatments are Vasculight laser , esclerotherapy (injectable) and surgery.
* Avoid sun exposure , located massages, depilation and the use of hot water.

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Physical Activity All Year Long!

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In shape in 3 minutes

Those who say they don't practice exercise by lack of time can make up another excuse.
A new study done by the group led by Martin Gibala at the McMaster University in Canada indicates that in order to keep the shape is not necessary to spend more time than taking a bath or brushing teeth.
Only 3 minutes of daily physical activities were considered suficient. The point that made the difference was the intensity.
After following for two weeks 16 voluntaries divided in two groups the Canadian researchers verified that short but intense periods of exercise were as efective as long but moderate.
The eight participants of the first group was submited to sessions from four o six peaks of 30 seconds, each one in which they would pedal in ergometric bikes as fast as they could.
Each spike was followed by four resting minutes.
The other group pedaled moderately but by periods that varied from 90 to 120 minutes.
After two weeks in which the participants of the first group exercised in average a total of 2,5 hours (including resting periods), against 10,5 hours of the rest, the researchers observed in both groups similar improvements as much in the execution as the execution of the exercioses as in the capacity of resistance to fatigue.
Edited text by: Ao mestre com carinho

9 Serious Reasons To Lose Your Belly

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Reasons beyond aesthetics

The ample abdomen has become the symbol of what many scientists and professionals believe to be one of the most prominentin the 21st century: the metabolic syndrome, a conjunction of problems that, besides the stiff beer belly encompass high colesterol, hypertension and diabetes.
The famous volume is however the tip of the iceberg. The fat that underlays the womb and hides between organs like the liver and intestines is capable of causing the organism to sink.
Called visceral, it is as if it sets in the wrong place, under those excesses that insist in escape from the pants and that aren't formed by visceral fat can hide that threat.
Hence the association between the measures and the fat between the viscera.
But it is possible to narrow the waist and eliminate the danger with the help of specialists.

Unlike many bellied people, even slim people can be bellied, remember this, the cells that keep fat in the abdominal area are not usually sedentary.
The body that exhibits a salient belly stays hostage to a true domino effect. To finish off so much glucose that runs through the veins which is the number one consequence of large waist , the organism intensifies more and more the production of insulin.
The fat cell located in the belly produce inflammatory substances connected to cardiovascular diseases.
This statement is recent and therefore it is not known yet for sure the mecanism that connects visceral fat to the biggest prevalence of the disease that wipes out memory.
The fat that is underneath the abdominal wall can pass between the organs and, in a fine day, become resident in the liver. It can deposit itself inside the cells of that gland which can even lead the liver to collapse.
The news is frightening to any man specially the ones that are over 40 years old and have a noticeable belly. The visceral fat associated to high colesterol levels and triglyceride sponsors the loss of erection and sexual apetite, lowers the levels of testosterone and steals its own libido. The synthesis of the hormones has the tendency to fall with age but never ceases completely. Minimal doses however, flattened by belly fat can ruin sexual appetite.
And that goes beyond the insatisfaction with the body. Changes in depression and in the rates of sugar favor depressiv states and interfere in brain activity.
That extra fat above the waist modifies the body's gravity center forcing the spine to twist so that it doesn't lose balance, that causes constant pain to appear including muscular pain.
The weight concentrated in the belly kills those joints. The pelvis located on the waist is badly fitted and tat makes the knee to wear out by working double. This kind of overload can generate an inflammation in the articulations and arthritis.

Dandruff? Me?

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Dandruff is one of the clinical manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis, the most visible and embarrassing.
Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammation of the skin that appears in function of a genetic predisposition.
The characteristic eruptions of the disease occur predominantly in the area of biggest production of oil by the sebaceous glands, the scalp but can also occur in the area of the beard, eyelids, eyebrows and in the auricular pavilion.
The characteristics of the disease are the production of oiliness (seborrhea) , flakiness (dandruff) and itchiness.
When they affect the skin, the lesions of seborrheic dermatitis are reddish, oily and flaky.
The most affected areas are the face (mainly nasal contour, eyebrows and forehead) and the thoracic area.
Its cause is yet unknown but the skins excessive oiliness and a fungus the Pityrosporum Ovale are involved in the process.
Like with acne, the biggest activity of the sebaceous glands occur under the action of androgenic hormones therefore the beginning of the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis usually happens after puberty but there can be manifestations of the disease in newborns due to the maternal androgen which is still present.
Seborrheic dermatitis has a chronic character with tendency to long periods of improvement and worsening affected both men and women and it is one of the main complaints in dermatology clinics.
The disease which has no cure but can be controlled is usually worse in the winter and in fatigue or emotional stress situations.
In order to control it we can use creams, lotions and shampoos with a foundation of cortico-steroids e antifungals. In more severe cases the dermatologist can prescribe oral medication.
It is also advised to patients not to ingest very greasy foods or alcoholic beverages.
Since the emotional factor is related to the disease genesis, it is important that the patient also observes his stress levels and when he identifies these factors, looks for ways to reduce them.
It is very important that people don't self medicate. If you suffer with symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis look for the guidance of a trusted dermatologist.

Edited text by: Dr. Francisco Bezerra

Male Hair

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Cares with male hair

Since male hair is in general trimmed mor often, the threads keep their natural softness, gloss and flexibility, more intact than in female hair.
However the action of the sun, wind beach pool water or even chemical treatments like coloring dries the threads and require special care.
It is good to use a hair intensive moiturizing mask weekly, spreading the prodcut over clean and damp hair and letting it act from 15 to 20 minutes then rinse well.
Look for formulas that contains hydrolyzed keratin, ceramide 3 and wheat aminoacids.

Hair fall

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Besides genetic predisposition many are the reasons that cause hair to fall.
They can be associated to stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia and other emotional factors emocionais and it can be associated to hormonal problems, infectious diseases and the use of some medication.
In reality we all lose hair continuously but we can only call it Alopecia when there is not adequate thread recovery, that is when hair fall becomes a problem.
OThe most common kind of Alopecia is Androgen Alopecia, also very well known as "baldness" which affects mainly men but can also affect women.
Começa com uma rarefacção das regiões das têmporas, evoluindo para a perda acentuada de cabelos no alto do couro cabeludo, nas mulheres geralmente se apresenta mais difusa, principalmente na região superior da cabeça.
To find out if you should look for treatment for your hairs check bellow a few points:

- Increase of daily hair fall easily observed on the pillow or hair brush. If you have any doubts start counting the threads following the hair fall.
- Decrease of hair volume.
- Pay attention to the rise of oiliness of the scalp, intermittent dandruff, itchiness, burning or flaking.

In case you notice any of the above points, look for medical advice, the dermatologist is the one who is specialized in skin, nails and hair. There are many techniques and medication avaiable used mainly to stop hairfall in a first moment.

Edited text by: Dr. Francisco Bezerra

Baldness - Mens Trauma

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Baldness? Do not despair! It is fundamental to attack quickly!

Male and female baldness affects a good part of the population and is an inconvenience to many people.
The rarefaction of the threads usually starts earlier in men, many times during adolescence.
But the most important is its quick diagnostic and the start of the treatment as soon as possible.
These days we have more weapons against this problem, new topic use medications, the consecration of treatments such as the oral use of finasteride with improving results.
Add to these procedures some recent techniques for which have been seen excellent results, such as mesotherapy and biostimulation.
Hair mesotherapy is the application of a pool of medication and stimulating substances every 15 days, which can bring excellent results for the decrease of fall and the growth of new threads.
The same occurs with biostimulation, performed with diodes of light outputs (LED's) with infrared and red light.
The applications are done three times a week, in 20 to 30 minute sessions.
An additional advantage is the fact that these techniques can be combined as a way to enhance the results and the best of all of this is that the procedures do not demand post-surgery and can done in the doctors office.
But, if none of this helps you the good news is that hair transplants done by dermatologists have also evolved a lot over this period and have had each time more natural and long lasting results.
Look for your dermatologist and talk to hime about the treatments that can help you while the problem is still at the beginning or in more evolved cases.
You can benefit with good guidance and these new treatments, the important thing is not to give up and keep looking for better results.

Edited text by: Dr. Francisco Bezerra

Cares With Hands and Feet

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Forget the foot file.
It reduces callus but it also eliminates the protection of the soles of the feet which react by creating another layer.
"The more you use foot file the deeper the callus becomes".
Take care of callus with a podologist until you can use exfoliation and moisturiser.
Callus should also only be removed by specialized professionals, never by a manicure.
Same thing applies to a ingrown toenail.
To treat mycosis and chilblains which appear in feet that are always covered by shoes and socks the best way to prevent is to keep feet dry and airy by drying well between the toes.
At home wear slippers and put your shoes outside to get some air.
give preference to cotton socks and leather shoes.

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We all know since childhood that washing hands before meals is pure hygiene yet we still make that old mistake.
Clip your nails frequently and use the hand file in order to not leave chips because long nails are a big contamination focus.
Do not dismiss a good soap, the use of a moisturizer with sunscreen and a topic Vitamin C based cream which works as an antioxidant, avoids the inflammatory reaction caused by sunlight and photo-aging which have as most visible signs, wrinkles and spots - not mentioning skin cancer.

Hydrated Skin

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When was the last time you have hydrated your skin?

Cosmetics have been evolving year after year.A Cosmética vem evoluindo ano pós ano
the biggest growth is in male cosmetic.
The growing serach for Male cosmetics worldwide tends to follow mens evolution, fashion, its tendencies and men's self-esteem which got stagnated since the 70's.
Nowadays the market has a wide range of products of male line but one should take in account that the skin differs from individual to individual.
There are three types of skin: NORMAL, DRY AND OILY.
Mixed skin does not exist.
That is a state in which the skin is, due to multiple factorssuch as: tobacco, food, medication, lack of hydration, sun, cold,humidity, among many others.
There is also skin characteristics.
Therefore before you purchase a product, always consult your dermatologist or a professional beautician.
That way you will be able to enjoy the pleasure of your skin adn seduce whoever you want.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

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Bad breath Blaaaargh

Bad breath is a problem that many people face eventually.
It is estimated that approximately 40% of the population suffers or will suffer with bad breath at some point in their life.
Many are the causes of this evil, including:

* Inadequate mouth hygiene (lack of proper brushing and no use of floss);
* Gingivitis: Ingestion of certain foods such as garlic or onion;
* Tobacco and alcoholic beverages;
* Dry mouth (caused by disturbances and lesser production of saliva during sleep);
* Systemic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, liver and kidney problems.

How to find out if I have bad breath?

A way to know if you have bad breath is to cover your mouth and nose with your hand, exhale and feel your breath.
Another way is to ask someone you trust how is your breath.
But don't forget that many people have this problem when they wake in the morning as a result of a lesser production of saliva during the evening which allows for the acids and other substances to deteriorate on the inside of the mouth.
Measures such as brushing teeth and tong well and flossing before sleeping and getting up always help eliminate morning bad breath.

How to prevent bad breath?

Avoid foods that cause bad breath and observe the following: brush well twice a day and use dental floss daily to remove bacterial plaque and food particles which accumulate everyday.
Brushing the tongue also helps diminish bad breath.
Visit your dentist periodically to do a revision and cleaning of your teeth.
If the bad breath persists even after a good brushing and flossing consult a dentist since it can be the indication of the existence of a more serious problem.
Only the dentist will be able to tell you if you have gingivitis, dried mouth, or bacterial plaque excess which are the possible causes of the bad breath.

A beautiful smile is worth more than a thousand words.

Edited text by: Colgate


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What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is the name given to a disease characterized by an intense gum inflammation and subsequently periodontal (teeth support structures).
Gingivitis is clinically diagnosed on patients that present spontaneous gum bleeding or provoqued by light brushing.
This disease settles in mainly due to bad hygiene (poor brushing of teeth or lack of dental floss).
The bacterial plaque that forms in the teeth when they aren't well clean is the main cause for the irritation of the gum tissue that causes gingivitis.
The bacteria that cause gingivitis are transmissible like the bacteria that cause cavities and other diseases, however such bacteria are part of the oral mucous so they are normally present in our mouth.
These bacterias become harmful to our health when they enlarge in number and the rise of number is related to a lack of hygiene.
That way we should'nt say we got gingivitis from someone because it will only settle in ones mouth if we are not keeping a good hygiene.
Of course there are conditions that limit the ability of the person to clean their teeth properly, therefore we should look for our dentist to do a plaque check-upat least every three months.
The first signals and symptoms are: bleeding, gum redness and pain.
This is a very serious disease because with its evolution will come periodontitis which can lead to the loss of tooth.

Acne, that enemy of men

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Acne - Cleaning,treatment,myth and reality

How to take care of it

Due to oiliness acne patients tend to wash their face frequently.
Lots of them are fanatics rubbing their face with water and soap from 8 to 10 times a day because the lesions look like dirt.
The compulsive act of washing only removes the superficial lipid part which will be restored after 30 seconds because the sebum is retained in the deep part of the follicle that triggers acne.

External problems

Comedogenic substances (ointments, cosmetics, sunscreens and other medications) present a bigger effect on patients with acne than the ones that don't.
These chemical products lead to the formation of comedones in an abundant way on the skin which leads to the formation of acne lesions.
One should try to use ointments, cosmetics, sunscreens and other medication undr the form of "oil-free" gel or lotion .
Acne tackles various persons at a variable degree and for a variable period, hitting mostly in adolescence but affecting also sometimes in adult life.
It consists of black spots (open and closed comedones), pimples (pustules) and sometimes cists (nodules).
It tackles more the face but it can also be present on the back, upper body and neck.
Can be a serious problem depending on its severity, leaving many times permanent scars.
Don't think that for being commu the acne treatment is unnecessary.
Waiting for a "spontaneous solution" could be a mistake, since with treatment you can get a quicker improvement of the appearance and prevent yourself from the emergence of scars.
Although many doctors have a reasonable experience in the treatment of acne , the dermatologist is the onethat is better prepared to conduct the treatment of all the varieties of this disease.

Medical Support
The acne should not be feared as something without treatment nor minimized hopping that it will disapear at 21 years old.
There is prevention for acne scars which helps with the self-esteem of people who suffer fom acne.
In most cases the treatment acts in a meaningful way.

Although it is common the orientation to wash the face frequently, the acne is not an entity caused by dirt.
It is recommended to wash the face with soap and hot water at least twice a day but softly so it doesn't irritate the skin.
Washing hair frequently is also necessary.
Avoid leaving hair on the face and or making use of oils in them.
As for shaving, men with acne who use shaving blade should soap and use hot water in a gentle way with the least frequency possible.

Many lotions and creams are for sale and help in light cases.
Meanwhile, most of these will produce dryness if used excessively.
Make up should not be used regularly and the ones with a water base are better.
However, all these most be removed de before going to sleep.
If the acne persists even after daily cleaning, look for a dermatologist.
The earlier the right treatment is instituted the minor the permanent cutaneous lesions will be.
Remember that each treatment is individual so do not use prescriptions of another person.


*Chocolate and other food cause pimples.Chocolate e outros alimentos provocam espinhas.
Some people associate the ingestion of certain food to the appearance of acne but there is no cientific proof of that.

*Washing the face various times a day helps avoiding acne.
Washing the face multiple times does not help avoiding acne, in fact that can even cause an increase of the skin's oiliness.

*Acne is contagious
In spite of it being an infection, the acne is not contagious.

*Squeezing pimples helps eliminating the inflammation.
Squeezing is wrong because it helps dissect the inflammation and can cause scars by damaging the skin.

*Masturbation causes acne.
There isn't any relation between masturbation and acne.

*The sun worsens/improves acne.
Although it has a scaring effect the sun can provoque the rise of the production of sebum aside from being the main cause of aging and skin cancer.

*Acne scars don't have a cure
There are ways for the treatment of scars.
These procedures must be performed by an experient dermatologist and sometimes a few sessions of treatment are necessary for a satisfying outcome.

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Male Face Cares

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Young and perfect skin

Its not just women que from 30 years old present signs od cutaneous aging.
The horrors of women are: dark circles, wrinkles, aging signs, eyelids flaccidity, under eye pockets and face flaccidity.
In the current days the men are also suffering from the same evil, each day they get more worried about their look.
That fact is a reality not only for aesthetic reasons but also for personal and professional reasons.
The face treatments performed in an office can mitigate these signs, providing positive effects and leading the skin to a softness, elasticity, glow and youthness that you can immediatly notice since the first session.
The treatment activates the blood circulation and provides a natural process of cell regeneration.

Man And Botox

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Botox them!

The Botulinum Toxin is a real revolution in medical aesthetics.
This powerful medicine, now domesticated has been being used with safety in broad aesthetic and health situations in women and lately more looked for by MEN.
The FDA is the biggest and most respected american control member of medication used as reference by health organizations all over the world for medical use in aesthetics with rigorous control in its use.

In what cases does one use Botox?

The Botox is used to correct expression wrinkles.
The forehead wrinkles, the furrow between the eyebrows and the famous "crows feet" can benefit from this method.
The technique consists in injecting the substance in the muscle whose hypertrophy and tonus causes the appearance of wrinkles.
That way you get a temporary paralysis (obviously of unnecessary muscles) with the disappearance of lighter wrinkles and soften the deeper ones.
The expression doesn't change and there aren't any unpleasant sensations.
The duration of the effect is six months and the it disappears.
It can be used associated to a filling technique when there are visible marks on the skin.

What Does It Mean To Be A Metrossexual?

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Metrossexual? Yes!

It's a slang for a heterossexual urban man (metropolitan + heterossexual), concerned with his appearance, it is linked to the change of behavior of the male gender in the end of the XX century.
This term was approved by british and nort-american male magazines to make of this definition its main target.
After its use decreased in the USA the term was introduced again in 2000 following the decrease of the taboos regarding the gay culture (and with which this term was frequently mistaken).
Nowadays the metrossexual man like to spend the day shopping, getting his nails done, going to the hairdresser, waxing, or take care of his body, enjoying a good wine, dreams about the last model of sports car and buy design clothes.

These vain beings are usually well succeeded professionaly.

Like women, men started having a look into men's magazines to know what's fashionable and whats not.They have stopped cutting their hair in the barbershop and started going more frequently beauty institutes. They take care of their skin just like women and fear the aging . This is the evolution of the man species.

How Should Be The Ideal Mattress?

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Have peaceful sleep!

How should the ideal mattress be?
Besides the weight and height should anything else be taken under consideration?

The ideal mattress should have two main points:
* A density that allows the accommodation of the shoulders and hip,that is , one that~gives in so that by laying on the side these articulations aren't too pressured.
* It should also keep the vertebral spine aligned, that is, so it doesn't "sink" too much when we lay on the side.

The most used density is 33.
The weight is more important when choosing than the persons height.

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Changes In Sperms Transport

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Visible changes

Multiple illnesses or conditions that tackle from the brain to the urethra can be responsible for the impairment of male fertility.
Any change in the chain of events which includes the transport of sperm will compromise fertility.

The most frequent changes are:
* Epididymis abnormalities.
* Epididimarious function disturbances of focus, mature and transport sperm.
* Due to the absence of epidermis (congenital or acquired) can occur changes of the normal functioning of these or obstruction (when the sperm get retained) or they wouldn't mature properly, compromising fertility.
* Abnormality of the deferent ducts.
* The congenital absence or acquired of the deferent ducts , changes in its ability of pushing the sperm or its obstruction, inclusive after vasectomy, will stop the correct transport of sperm to the urethra.
* The resultant ejaculation is poor in or doesn't contain sperm only the fluids of prostate and seminal vesicles.
* Ejaculatory disfunction.

Known causes that can make the patient not to ejaculate:

* Hormonal disturbances
* Diabetes
* Lesions in the nerves of the marrow or pelvic
* Pelvic Surgeries
* Prostate Disturbances
* Other disfunctions

Factors that contribute to male infertility:

* Penile erectile disfunction
* Precocious ejaculation
* Use of condoms and diaphragms

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Precocious Ejaculation

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Know what it is and know how to fix that problem

Precocious or Premature Ejaculation (PE) is one of the most frequent sexual problems in men and couples, being responsible for 40 % of complaints found in the office of sexual therapists.
The PE is common in youth in encounters with new partners or after a while of abstinence.
When it extends throughout maturity and becomes present in more than half of sexual encounters, that is when it becomes a chronic problem and a Sexual Disorder.

How to know if I have precocious ejaculation?

It doesn't exist a specific time before ejaculate to define this sexual problem.
The definition is in the perception, both from the partner that the ejaculation was faster than expected that there wasn't a ejaculation control.
Sometimes, the penis doesn't even come to an erection, just the fact of getting close and the touch of the bed sheet is already ending what could have been very good and pleasuring with the partner.
At times, man also maintains the erection for a few minutes starts to penetrate but soon after, ejaculates becoming unsatisfied and leaving the partner "hanging".
Guilt and anxiety feelings become a constant. Bigger difficulties can come in sequence like erectile dysfunction (impotence) and the loss of intimacy within the couple.

Why does the PE occur?

* Abnormal increase of sensibility of the penile gland.
* Anxiety related to sexual performance.
* Sexual Inexperience.
* First experience with partner that has stimulated a quick intercourse.
* Guilt or negative feelings towards the partner.

In fact there isn't a single cause for PE that is proven scientifically.


There is a treatment both medical as psychotherapeutically. The first line of treatment is the reorientation and the reeducation of man or the couple as for the normal sexual function.
When the PE becomes persistent, that is, shows up in more than half of sexual encounters, a more specific treatment becomes necessary.
The second therapeutic line is the treatment behavioral-cognitive.
It is constituted in a series of exercises and tasks to be done at home for the control of the time of ejaculation.

Some merely illustrative examples:

Distraction technique - During sexual act, the man is oriented to fixate the thought in some situation that will distract him from sex to be able to prolong the time of penetration before ejaculation.
Compression technique - The men should compress the base of gland (head of the penis) for 4 or 5 seconds immediately after the first sensation of major excitement.
With that procedure it will delay the ejaculation a bit.
Stop-Start Technique - It consist in guiding the man to stay on top of the partner to be able to have control of the sexual movement. He should start the penetration and stop completely the movements close to the moment of bigger excitement.
The goal of these techniques is to make the man become aware of the moment which proceeds the first symptom of ejaculation being able to voluntarily control when he desires to ejaculate.


There is a vast range of medication that have as side effect to delay the time of ejaculation.
Such drugs should be administered only under criterious medical prescription because they possess collateral effects.
Either way this sexual disfunction has a good prognosis , that is, it presents good indexes of healing for most individual that look for specialized guidance.
Usually six to ten sessions are enough for the improvement of mens sexual life and couples harmony.

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Erotic Dreams

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What happens during sleep

Sometimes called of erotic dream is the release or discharge of semen during sleep.
It is known that during sleep the penis stays erect and if an erotic dream happens the ejaculation and orgasm can be the closure of that dream.
It is not a rule but almost always following an erotic dream, the individual wakes up immediatly before or after he ejaculates.
Many times, the erotic dream can be remembered and perceived like a pleasantly sexual experience.
In pre-adolescence the phenomena is more frequent.
It occurs in all ages but it is more frequent from ten to twenty years old, precisely in the period of bigger sexual inexperience and repressed sexual energy, or negatively resolved.
Until fifteen years old about 50% of boys should have had at least one episode and maybe that is the sign of the beginning of the exercise of sexuality.
The phenomena seems to be a way for the body to get rid of the excess of accumulated semen since it is less frequent to ejaculate regularly with masturbation or with sexual intercourse.
It cannot be considered a problem and should not be taken like abnormal or sign of any illness.
It als occurs in adults with a steady sexual life.
The biggest inconvenience might be to explain with what or who the person dreamed about or the semen stain in clothes or sheets.
It is usually pretty embarassing for the teenagers.
It is not known an efficient way to avoid erotic dreams and one shouldn't try to do so since it is a normal aspect of sexuality.
Whats sure is that sexually "well resolved" adults rarely present episodes.
The nature, surroundings or characters involved do not necessarily determine the preference, orientation or sexual tendency of the individual.
It is common to have erotic dreams in which the individual experiments incestuous or homosexual situations.
In principle, this does not mean that the individual experience this kind of dream or have sexual deviations or gay tendencies.
If you are very young and are concerned by having a lot of erotic dreams, settle yourself.
Talk to your parents and divide with them the joy of having become a man and having a normal genital system functioning.
Remember that the non occurrence does not indicate any abnormality and that extreme cases or doubtful situations should always be evaluated by a doctor.

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The HPV Also Attacks Man

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Human Papilloma Virus

The HPV (HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS) is transmitted by sexual contact and in most cases, does not present symptoms.
That is because it can manifest itself in two ways: vagina or anus warts (in women) and testicles penis and anus (in men) or microscopically in both.
The first diagnostic is done by exam and if the exam shows suspicions of HPV, a biopsy of the area will also be done.
There are also exams that identify the kind of virus and point out if they are cancerous.
Amongst preventives measures are the intimate hygiene cares, the use of condoms during all the sexual relation and routine exams.
HPV can also lead to penis cancer.
Studies have shown that 75% of patients with this kind of tumor presented signs of this virus therefore establishing a relation between the penis cancer and HPV Virus.
Until the the researches about the HPV relation with the disease were focused on cervical cancer since the virus is responsible for most of the cases.
The transmission happens by contact with genital organs.
It is important to know that penetration isn't necessary for someone to get infected a lack of fluids is enough.
Another relevant fact pointed out by the study is that 97% of pacients with the disease have phimosis.
Although the tumor has more incidence in men with 50 years old this kind of cancer can be found also in young people.

Hygiene and precocious diagnosis in the fight against HPV

The intimate hygiene habits should be taught to children early.
When detected initially, HPV has treatment and can be treated. However, more than half patients with the disease takes about a year to look for medical assistance after the appearance of the initial lesions.

Adult Men Have to Take Vaccines

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Adult men must update their vaccines

"The vaccine that male individuals should keep updated is the anti-tetanus vaccine, which must be administered every ten years so that there is imunity against tetanus.
There are other vaccines that are indicated when there are risk factors, such as flu vaccine which is advised to be taken yearly for individuals over 65 years old and those who suffer from chronicle diseases.

Third Age Sex Isn't Taboo Anymore

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Happiness and desire

Medical cares and a healthy life preserve the desire for longer.
One of the main advances is connected to the sexuality of people over 60 years old.
Some problems still exist like complaints of erectile dysfunction for men and among women, hormonal dysfunction in menopause.
But continual researches in medical field have managed great progresses in the field of seniors sexuality.
The hormone replacement has insured the continuity of womens libido by stimulating their partners to also take care of their health.
New treatments for erectile dysfunction were introduced, considerably improving sex life of the patients who use them.
Another factor that contributes for the best sexuality in third age is the will to keep sexual life active each time more common between these people.
Researches reveal that 57,3% of men between 51 and 60 years old are willing to have sex some times during the week.
And between the ages of 61 or more years, 60,7% of m,en have the same will.
These days there are several treatments that can help the couple to keep theiur sexual life active.
Oral medication make possible for men with erectile dysfunction to be able to enjoy an active sex life with efficiency in approximately 80% of cases.

Be fully happy, look for medical guidance.

Male Dependency

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To be or not to be?

"Frequently we find in marriages or dating relationships men that are dependent on their companions.
Outside they show firmness, self-insurance and determination.
These are people that work, sustain their family with their effort, are sure of the things they believe in, do not show indecisions when faced with professional problems they might have.
But many times behind that mask hide insecure men, emotionally immature and dependent on their wifes.
Deep down they don't have that much control over themselves like they appear to have.
They don't do much at home because they don't undertand how their home is organized and processed. It's like they are lost, strangers in their own home.
Many man can't prepare their own meals , or even work with equipments like the washing machine, dishwasher, microwaves etc.
Some find it hard to buy their own clothes alone, having the need for their wifes to accompany them, that is when they go because some of them don't even go shopping leaving it for the wifes to chose and purchase their clothes.
Besides it is common for some men not being able to chose what to wear on a daily basis or even for a special event like a party or holidays and trips.
Women are in charged of preparing their bags choosing clothes for every occasion.
In what comes to their health, many are afraid to go to the doctor by themselves, depending on their wifes to make an appointment and go with them to the doctors office.
In their children education they present the same difficulties, because many times they don't know how to act when faced with basic hygiene questions, health, dressing and behavior.
But why does all this happen? What is the reason for many men to give the power over to their companions? Why do they withhold from being autonomous and independent?
It all starts in childhood, how this man was educated by his mother and this education was supported by his father.
Men are not educated to do domestic tasks.
Deep down they relive their part as son in marriage.
That is why they have trouble taking care of their wife and children.
Ending up by repeating the part of son continuously hoping to get taken care of by their wifes as they were by their moms.
In some relations it is common to observe the husband call his wife of mother and vice-versa.
One does not need to be an expert in human behavior to understand the symbolism in this text.
Deep down these kind of men still hope to be treated and cared for as children, dependent on the love of their wifes and daughters.
In order to try to reverse that situation it is necessary that both men and women are aware of the importance of having to work on the couples autonomy.
Men should look for their self realization and autonomy in a safer way and women should stimulate so that those choices are done and at the same time should leave aside their strong maternal impulse of wanting to protect, improve and transform the husband.

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What is vasectomy?

Male vasectomy is also considered a irreversible method and that is why, only indicated for firm men and couples that don't want to have any more children.
This contraceptive is managed through a surgery in which they aren't sectioned 2 small tubes (deferent tubes) that transport testicular sperm to the penis.
This way there aren't any spermatozoon in sperm when man ejaculates.

What is the efficiency?

Like in female sterilization, also the vasectomy does not have total efficiency.
The lowest failure rate (about 1%) is owed essentially to the spontaneous of the cuted extremities of the deferent channel.
Usually, this surgery is done under local anesthesia and lasts about 15 minutes.

What are the advantages?

It does not interfere with the relation, or the sexual performance.
It is a permanent contraceptive method that is achieved aftera simples surgery under local anesthesia and usually without adverse effects or mens health hazards.

What are the disadvantages?

Contrary to women sterilization, the vasectomy is not immediately effective after the surgery.
It is necessary sometimes 3 or more months until all spermatozoon disappear from the deferente channel that remained close to the cut.
While that does not happen, the couple should use another contraceptive method until tehre are two negative spermatozoon counts.
This method is a disadvantage for those men and couples who, after sterilization wish to have more children.

Edited text by: Dr. Mário Santos